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Squalicorax Crow Shark teeth

Squalicorax Crow Shark teeth


2 x  Fossil Squalicorax Crow Shark teeth


Average size: 25mm - 1"


Period: Cretaceous - 65myo

Location: Morocco, Africa


This is for 2 x Squalicorax Crow Shark teeth They will be in a great condition and complete without repairs.

The teeth all have serrations and nice roots.


The Squalicorax shark  probably would have resembled a modern Great White shark.    Squalicorax is a confirmed dinosaur eater, with evidence of this coming from a metatarsel (foot bone) of a hadrosaurid that has a Squalicorax tooth embedded in it. The general consensus is that the dinosaur had been swept out to sea and had its body scavenged by a wandering Squalicorax that may have picked up on its scent in the water.


The teeth are  randomly chosen from ones identicle to the pictures


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